Agrifiber, also known as agricultural fiber or plant-based fiber, refers to fibers derived from agricultural crops or residues, such as wheat straw, rice straw, hemp, and corn stalks.
Agrifiber can be used in a variety of applications, including in the construction industry as a building material. The use of Agriboard™ panels in construction can potentially contribute to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) efforts in several ways:
Carbon sequestration in plants: Agriboard panels are derived from plants that capture and store carbon through the process of photosynthesis. When these plants are harvested and used in construction, the carbon that was captured during their growth is effectively stored in the building material. This can help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as the carbon remains locked within the building material for the life of the structure.
Carbon storage in building materials: Wood and concrete have higher carbon footprints than Agriboard panels. For example, the panels can be used for walls, roofs, and floors in construction, replacing materials that require energy-intensive processes and more fossil fuels for production and generate higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Using agrifiber-based materials can therefore help to reduce the overall carbon footprint of a building, contributing to carbon capture and storage efforts.
Avoidance of carbon emissions from burning or decomposition: We are a sustainable alternative to open field burning which is an extreme form of air pollution. Not only do farmers avoid spending money to get rid of straw, they actually make money on it as a second cash crop. When straw is left to decompose in the field it can also release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
It's important to note that the carbon capture potential of agrifiber-based materials can vary depending on many factors such as the type of crop, the processing methods used, and the specific application in construction. The Agriboard Green Building Systems™ team takes all of this into consideration when we decide where and how to deploy our mills. We often say using Agriboard panels is "A Smarter Way to Build," but we also believe it is "A Greener Way to Build."

Above we see how some people choose to "get rid of" straw left in the field after harvest. All of the CO2 is released along with harmful smoke and possible pesticides.